What's new:
We also changed our audio playback to the NAudio library. This is a major quality update in audio playback and also in stability. We also changed audio playback from iOS devices to use of AAC audio. This is like AppleTV and is pimary because of performance issues on iOS devices.
Album display info ist still broken for iOS devices. We will check on that when the new iOS 6 will be available.
Again we will continue to improve the quality of Aerodrom and a big thanks to all customers who helped further development with their purchase, input and especially bug reports or beta testing.
FYI, I'm having trouble playing video from vimeo.com. It shows the URL of the video then says
SetMediaFile: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: Open failed
Same thing happens in the app or the website, from ipad and iphone. Any way around it or does vimeo need to change?
Playback seems choppier on audio compared to the last version?
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